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The Java (not really) Faster than C++ Benchmark

The Java (not really) Faster than C++ Benchmark

server workloads — such as running the LAMP software stack, Java

Server workloads — such as running the LAMP software stack, Java

 Parallel Streams vs. ExecutorService: The Ultimate Fork/Join Benchmark

Parallel Streams vs. ExecutorService: The Ultimate Fork/Join Benchmark

or, to smooth spikes, the same graph, but with Log 10 scale for axe Y:

Or, to smooth spikes, the same graph, but with Log 10 scale for axe Y:

Benchmark start-up and system performance for .Net, Mono, Java, C++

Benchmark start-up and system performance for .Net, Mono, Java, C++

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java class was deleted before the second run. Total: x, is the scripts

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